Gay porn:My Boss Is Gay and In Love With me
When I first started working for my boss, I had no idea he was gay. But before long, it became evident that my boss and I had more than just a working relationship. He was in love with me, and it made him angry.
This blog post explores my unique experience of having a gay boss who is in love with me, and how I’ve dealt with the emotions and drama that come along with it.
The beginning of the story
My boss, who we'll call Mr. P, was never one to show emotion. He was usually angry and rarely smiled. I had never seen him laugh and I had only seen him cry once, when his son left home. So when he came up to me one day at the office, and asked me to stay late and watch a porn movie with him, I was completely shocked. It turns out that Mr. P was gay and had feelings for me. We started talking more and eventually he revealed that he wanted us to be together. Although I wasn't sure if I should pursue this relationship, it felt like the right thing to do.
The development of the relationship
At first, I was embarrassed to admit my feelings for my boss. I was worried that he would think I was hitting on him and get mad, but I couldn't deny it any longer. After a few weeks of awkwardness, I finally mustered up the courage to confess my love to him. Surprisingly, he said he felt the same way. We started dating soon after and things were going great. We had deep conversations about our hopes and dreams for the future, shared plenty of laughs, and even indulged in some porn together.
Our relationship grew stronger with each passing day, but so did the tension at work. We were careful not to display any outward signs of affection, but our coworkers knew what was going on between us. Although nobody had actually said anything, I could feel the anger radiating from my boss's colleagues whenever we were together. This made me anxious and added a lot of stress to our relationship.
The conflict
Things were going along quite nicely between my boss and I until I stumbled upon something that would cause a rift between us. One day, while looking for some paperwork in his office, I came across a folder containing several pornographic images. I was shocked and immediately confronted my boss about it.
He was taken aback, but eventually explained that he had been struggling with his sexuality for a long time, and that looking at these kinds of images had become a way for him to cope with his feelings. He had kept it hidden from me because he was afraid of how I would react. I had always been accepting of the LGBT community, but this was a lot for me to process.
We both agreed to talk about our issues instead of allowing them to go unresolved. We talked through our differences, our fears, and our confusion. In the end, it brought us closer together and we were able to continue on with our relationship. It wasn’t easy, but we were determined to make it work.
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