The Boss Who Crossed the Line: What to Do If Your Boss Is Sexually Harassing You
It is unacceptable for a Boss to take advantage of their staff and use their position of power to force them into a sexual relationship. Sadly, this is a reality that some employees have had to face. If you are in the unfortunate situation of being sexually harassed by your Boss, you need to know your rights and the steps you can take to protect yourself. This blog post will explain the legal options available to you when your Boss crosses the line.
Your boss is crossing the line if they're making unwanted advances or commnts
I understand that there should be a professional boundary between us and I want to make sure I'm maintaining a respectful workplace. If my boss is making unwanted advances or comments, I want to be sure to express my discomfort in a firm, yet professional manner. I believe it is important for my boss to be aware of how their actions may be seen and I hope that by having a conversation, I can resolve any issues and move forward in a respectful way.
You have a right to feel safe and respected at work
Talk to your boss about their behavior
Boss, I need to have a conversation with you about your recent sexual behavior. I'm concerned about how it may be affecting the morale of our team. I understand that we all have different preferences, but the level of flirting and behavior with other members of the staff is not appropriate. This is creating an uncomfortable work environment and making people feel uneasy. Can we discuss ways to address this?
Keep a record of what's happening
I'm keeping a record of all the happenings around me. From the happy memories to the mundane tasks I accomplish, it's all being written down. This morning I had breakfast with my family and discussed our plans for the weekend. Afterwards, I went for a walk in the park and enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine. Then I stopped by the store to pick up a few items I needed. Finally, I stopped at a local cafe to get a latte before heading back home. It's been a peaceful, pleasant day and I'm grateful for that.
Get support from your company or HR
I am writing to inquire about getting support from my company or HR for an upcoming project I am working on. This project will involve researching, analyzing data, and developing a strategy to solve an important problem our company is facing. I believe I have the skills to tackle this project successfully, but I need additional resources and support from the company or HR to ensure I can carry it out in the most efficient and effective manner.
Any advice or help you could provide me with in obtaining this support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Make your boss happy
I'm dedicated to making my boss happy by working hard, taking initiative, and staying up-to-date on current trends in the industry. I always ensure that the quality of my work is top-notch, and strive to provide exceptional customer service.
I take ownership of any projects that I am assigned and consistently stay proactive in my communication. My boss can rest assured that I'm giving it my all and providing the best results.
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